
Friday, July 12, 2013

Battle of the Nile

My anticipation is growing. However, I'm just not sure about the physics. That artillery around 5:00 wiped out half a cohort in one well landed shot. More effective than a howitzter in Empire/Napoleon. This, to me is somewhat disconcerting. 

Then again at 5:20 when the scythe chariots clash with the Roman legionaries it's amazing how many of them fly twenty feet straight up in the air. You'd think those horses had scoops or the like up front. I get it. It's a graphical representation of the disruption caused by the chariots, but still... we're at least pretending to be an historical game, right?

I also feel obligated to mention the pacing. The whole battle seems... fast. The ships accelerate fast. The infantry move fast. Troops die by the dozen. And morale breaks fast. It feels like we're in for a much quicker paced tactical game, and I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

I am looking forward to a return to sword and arrow combat. Don't get me wrong, Shogun 2 had that aplenty, but what Shogun 2 lacked was character. All the Japanese clans had an essentially identical unit roster which made faction choice essentially boil down to starting position, with a couple of minor perks you may or may not even utilize. 

Going back to antiquity eliminates gunpowder from the equation an, with such varied cultures, will hopefully at least give the illusion to vastly differentiated armies. 

Overall I'm hesitantly mega excited for this game. I was drawn into the Total War series with the original Rome, and I sincerely hope this game can capture some of the nostalgia I have from that experience. 

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