
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Gaming Blog

I've long toyed with the idea of starting a dedicated gamers blog, but have thus far shied away from it. I already have two blogs I ignore (Personal and Professional), so why should I start a third? Well, because I don't feel like the topics I wish to discuss regarding gaming rightfully belong on either. Obviously, my professional life is a realm apart from my gaming habits. And my personal blog is often about writing, poetry, politics, science, and philosophy, and I feel to inundate it with my gaming posts would turn some readers off.

So, I've decided to start a separate gaming blog where I don't have to hold back. Here goes nothing.


  1. Love the background. What's her name?

  2. The Makovsky, second of her name. I honestly don't remember why I chose the name the first time around, but I still had my lower tier Akira in the docks, so when I grabbed this ship, I transferred name and registry for traditions sake and scrapped the original.
