
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nerd Rage Palpable In Space

As a result of Perfect World Entertainment's recent acquisition of Cryptic Studios, Cryptic updated their Star Trek Online website yesterday, including a massive[ly unpopular] overhaul to the forums. In addition to making everyone reformat their forum handle (and in some cases choose a new one entirely), they wiped all custom avatars clean, made the forums completely inaccessible without a PWE account (you can't even view them), and chose a very difficult to read layout including Retro 1990's Forum Buttons. At least I imagine that's what they are, as I can't imagine any other way to spin their poor aesthetic as a feature.

Oh, and they did all this very suddenly and without prior warning regarding the specific date and time.

Needless to say, the forums exploded in typical nerd rage that always accompanies change, whether or not its deserved. (Although in this case, I think some amount of nerd rage was warranted.) One of my favorite responses to the changes I made sure to immortalize in screenshot format below before the mods nuked it. It's priceless.


A Gaming Blog

I've long toyed with the idea of starting a dedicated gamers blog, but have thus far shied away from it. I already have two blogs I ignore (Personal and Professional), so why should I start a third? Well, because I don't feel like the topics I wish to discuss regarding gaming rightfully belong on either. Obviously, my professional life is a realm apart from my gaming habits. And my personal blog is often about writing, poetry, politics, science, and philosophy, and I feel to inundate it with my gaming posts would turn some readers off.

So, I've decided to start a separate gaming blog where I don't have to hold back. Here goes nothing.